In July 2010, Into the Streets of Ethiopia teamed up with We are That Family and one of the greatest pro-life leaders, Dinah Monohan to meet an urgent need in Ethiopia. Formula was desperately needed to reach remote orphanges that are operated by YWAM Adoption Ministry.
The need was presented and you gave. You were gracious to the needy and it honors Him.
Cans of formula, gifts cards and cash begin to gather at the pro-life warehouse in Arizona. Potential leads for big donations were given, phone calls were made and God answered our prayers.
Catholic Charity Medical Mission in New York donated 600 cans of Similac formula to feed these precious babies in Ethiopia. The formula was shipped successfully from New York to Arizona last week. Over the next two weeks, this liquid gold will be packaged and shipped in 100 pound incriments to YWAM adoptive families that are traveling to Ethiopia in October. It will be hand delivered to needy orphanages upon their arrival in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
This huge donation will only sustain these little ones for a while. More and more babies will be found abandoned or reliquished by a grieving relative. Into the Streets of Ethiopia will continue to look after the widows and orphans. We will answer the call. "Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and the keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Will you join us in answering the call? You can make a difference.